Dominik Wüst
Dominik Wüst

Dominik Wüst

Software Engineer


I am specializing in computer graphics and deep learning with a focus on realtime applications. Currently I am doing my masters in computer science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

At 14 years old I started programming the LEGO Mindstorms robot. During my high school years I improved on my programming skills while working on multiple projects with Adruino microcontrollers. At that time I created two computer games using the Unity Engine. These projects motivated me to study computer science at KIT where I focused on graphics and high performance computing. In 2023 I finished my bachelors thesis, titled “Real Time Neural Path Guiding”, and graduated with a bachelor of science.

I am now working towards my masters in computer science. Besides studying I am working as a software engineer at Fraunhofer IOSB and contribute to the open-source project “iVS3D” on GitHub. Along with programming, I enjoy weight lifting, hiking and PC modding.

To contact me, reach out via email at or find me on LinkedIn.